Izuku computer quirk fanfiction. but it can't . But it's powerful, and Midoriya won't let his weird Quirk stop him from living his dreams. But he had other Things in mind. The rarest, and most dangerous type of thread was that of the neck. Su silueta se recortaba contra el cielo clareado, parado en la cima de un edificio con la mirada fija en el horizonte. He didn't need to, as going to a regular school was all for show. With a shaky voice, Inko asked the Doctor, "Dr. Pero para Izuku Midoriya, la noche aún no había terminado. New friends, new love, and new madness as he proves that brain can best brawn when used right. "I wonder how her day has been" he said looking at his phone "Apparently it was a good day, the school was serving her favourite food today and she got top scores on a pop quiz" a female voice said spooking Izuku so badly he fell off his chair Jul 5, 2024 · Izuku embraced these teachings, finding a sense of discipline and focus that complemented his quirk. Like punches. Aug 24, 2023 · "Izuku," she began her voice serious and lacking the motherly affection it usually had "there was once a powerful villain with the power to steal quirks and he had been after my bloodline for years and yes my quirk is genetic which means it most probably was passed down to you which is why I have my reservations about you being quirkless. "Cursed Technique Amplification: Blue". Now Izuku, I need you to look at I got changed into comfortable clothing. All For One intended to raise his heir in his image. Its similar enough to his quirk, but not overly telling" she thinks as she sends the form in an envelope addressed to the Quirk Archival Administration. "That answers it then, he must've got his quirk from his grandfather. Come back when his quirk manifests so we can work out the details" "Of course doctor, thank you" May 23, 2022 · "Your quirk is so cool Izuku! Not as cool as mine, but we will become heroes together!" Izuku smiled back at him. But what if midoriya was born with a IQ Quirk And Was Told To work for a Support company. Athena, su compañera cibernética, analizaba las ondas de radio, interceptando comunicaciones y buscando anomalías. May 20, 2021 · This is the first chapter of my first story. " asked Izuku. Despite his strength, Izuku chooses to apply for U. Until the fated sludge villain incident. It's a weird Quirk, and kind of a pain in the ass. Bakugou was a couple months older than Izuku and his quirk was hard to not to notice… and dodge sometimes. " Katsuki said in a childish drawl, his wide smirk matched by his two companions. Oct 15, 2019 · Inko nearly hit the roof when she heard what happened. Aug 27, 2020 · "Well, my father has a cloud based quirk, and my mother's quirk is like mine, but stronger", Inko said. "Status. "Now that's some tactical problem-solving!" Izuku announces, noticing his position at the top of the class. Aug 19, 2020 · "Man what a day" Izuku said as he took off his glasses and booted up his computer. All things from s to the [ex] 18 plus, As Izuku wakes up to a NEW quirk, he is troubled by the quirk's nature as he combats his new instincts [unsuccessfully] and ends up driving into a world of lust. Izuku se detuvo bajo un techo para protegerse de la lluvia, y cerró los ojos, permitiendo que su mente se conectara con la red. . that has to be at least . Where Izuku is Quirklesstechnically. Having never come across his idol, All Might, 20-year old Izuku Midoriya works as a data analyst at a firm that sells information on Quirks to businesses. Aug 30, 2020 · Izuku muttered to himself reading the computer screen which outlined Bakugo's Quirk. Izuku hung his head. Gathering data is a tough job but he seems to have a constant stream of info to compile into datasets, much to the bewilderment of his co-workers. Following the window's advice and seeking out a guide, he takes his first steps toward being a Hero, and without All Might's Quirk too! Izuku Midoriya un chico Quirkless amante de los héroes, quien al no poseer una peculiaridad fue acosado la mayor parte de su vida por el simple hecho de querer ser un héroe a pesar de no contar con una Quirk. This story came to me the other month and I couldn't stop thinking about it as my other 2 stories have Deku be quirkless and gain power through alternative ways, I wondered if I couldn't create a universe when he does have a quirk, just not one that abides by his wishes for what a hero's quirk should be. Jan 6, 2020 · Izuku flushed, surprised he talked to a girl (despite the fact he didn't say anything), and followed her lead, hurrying into the school he was planning to attend. Izuku stopped paying attention as Inko continued to ask the doctor questions about Izuku's mutant quirk. " Izuku heard himself yelling. There's only so long he can convince himself it's the lesser of two evils. If you were looking for a story like that, I'm sorry. How About 10 Other Things Izuku Midoriya Has the Omnitrix Izuku Midoriya, now 14 years old, did his best to push through the crowd of people around him, all of them watching on as a large monster tried to swipe at a man who looked to be covered in wood but only managing to damage the train station it was standing on. Izuku Midoriya is born with a powerful telepathy quirk, allowing him to read minds, track people within a 100 km radius, and even control their movements. Sep 24, 2020 · Izuku picked up his pencil to write down his thoughts on the wing quirk when the same feeling he felt from the figurine came from the pencil in his hand. I want to improve so I don't fail another final. Quirk science was weird, so there was no telling exactly what quirk factors could have come together in Izuku (if any) and how they'd even express themselves if they had. No one in the room was moving, even the ever-excited Izuku and Ocahko took off, Ochako wasn't weak, but she wasn't much compared to Yuuei's standard. The more Bookmarked by Mayhap_Mishap. Man it's gonna be weird having a real bed again. "I have a quirk; the doctor said my quirk is why I'm cold all the time. "Yeah, whatever! You really are a Deku!" Katsuki growled. Rather than that, it wrapped around it, like a noose. I took a deep breath. "That boy has a lot of energy," Toshinori said. "Bakugo!" Jun 4, 2024 · En medio de la ciudad, Izuku Midoriya caminaba solo, pero esta vez, no era el mismo Izuku que todos conocían. For smaller fics with unique quirks, check out Agranulocytosis , doesn't write for MHA anymore but the quirk ideas are top notch. 's support course rather than the hero course. Alongside his best friend, Katsuki Bakugo, he attends UA High to become one of the world's greatest heroes! Quirk!Izuku, rated T for Bakugo's langauge. Izuku Midoriya awakens on his fourteenth birthday to a prompt window straight out of a game, saying that he's been blessed with a Quirk. and then all hell breaks loose FemKatsuki AllMight/Inko IzuKat Jun 1, 2019 · Izuku thought he was a normal boy with an boring quirk, but a single instance with a villain changed everything. Tsubasa, If that's the good news, then what is the bad news?" The silence in the room was deafening. As Izuku was pushing through the dense crowd, he heard bits and pieces of conversation. He already finished his GED when he was 8 and got his PhD in computer engineering when he was 13. The phone screen lit up, showing that it was charging. Mostly posters of heroes and old pre-quirk rock bands. 1 Hero,accompanied by his little friend Mini Might,the All Might in his pocket. Jul 8, 2022 · "Mom!" Izuku yelled trying to run to her but was stopped by another demon. Quirk Description - Explosion allows [the user] to secrete sweat similar to nitroglycerin from their palms and ignite it at will to create various explosions. " First chapter. Bakugo had called him a villain and attacked him, and while her child tried to deescalate the situation but nothing had worked. Izuku held his All Might figure in the air with a bright smile, "I knew you could do it, Might Jr! E-even without a quirk?" 'Oh Izuku' how could she let her son be a hero. Izuku had only seen it once, and it led to immediate catastrophe right Izuku Midoriya has a Quirk. She nods and goes to bed I've recently been reading some fanfiction. "Deku! You're dead!" Bakugo charges into Izuku's nest and before Izuku could get out of his recently deployed chair, Bakugo explodes all of the buildings. It's rare but there have been cases of people believed to be quirk less suddenly gaining a quirk. OP/izuku, Pairings undecided. "That'll work. Inko was worried about her reputation amongst her peers and, much more quietly because she could barely bear to admit it to herself, that this somehow meant something was wrong with her. "VICE! I form a contract with you!" He said before stamping himself. " Izuku's eyes went wide as he threw himself to the side, his quirk's speed coming in handy, and his Hero Joural #13 being thrown to the side. The Quirk will decay after 10 minutes. Holding him tight to her. I'll even prove it to you Deku. Looking over, the green-haired boy saw a giant villain whose head looked somewhat shark-like, what with how it was angled, on a train track as he was yelling as a pro hero who wore a full-head helmet that looked to be made of wood. Izuku's quirk, Upgrade, made him able to use his stamina to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness and overall durability of any non-living thing he came in contact with as long as he knew how it worked or how it was used. " The doctor nodded. "Ok Sato, do you know if your quirk has a different effect depending on the type of sugar you consume?" Jan 9, 2024 · The story from Pad got deleted, however, I AM HERE. Meg slowly nodded. It was a dangerous profession, in a dangerous world. As he trained, he learned to balance the physical and mental aspects of combat, turning his once uncontrollable power into a finely honed skill. "There is only one way to protect everyone, Izuku! Stamp yourself with that Vistamp!" Vice called. Oct 5, 2023 · Hello and welcome people to my 3rd MHA project. Bookmarker's Tags: 9/10; judged; Bookmarker's Collections: Reading is one form of escape. "My little Izuku's . Izuku had congratulated Bakugo on his quirk, and when questioned said his quirk was active since birth but it could make people sick if he didn't wear his suit. Now we just have to find how it activates and what it does. There was only a bed, table, tv, and a computer. The only close resemblance seemed to be Inko's Attraction of Small Objects Quirk, but in reverse. "Izuku, detecto una frecuencia encriptada. [Quirk: Quick Decisions] Can equip a Quirk based on a situation. But this came with a major downside. Jan 31, 2023 · Izuku looked at his hand and saw a small spark of green electricity jump occasionally between his hand and the phone. They were ineffective. Now Izuku fights his hunger for control. Izuku was quirkless, well not exactly he had the correct genes sequences from his parents however they were inactive. Aug 29, 2024 · Izuku manifests a quirk of technopathy, dies, returns as an AI, witnesses the death of his mother, and discovers that All Might is a horrible person. But, when All might kills All for One and Izuku is left all alone, he will be forced to make his own decisions. Initially Izuku wanted something like Bakugou's quirk of Explosion; something flashy and powerful. Also grinning, "Yeah Kacchan! We will be the number 1 heroes!" As Izuku grew older, he found himself naturally interested in physics and various other science subjects. . Running for your life is another. Izuku has a quirk where art on his body comes to life and the more permenant and detailed the art the stronger, so naturally he goes to a Yakuza tattoo artist to get some of that good shit. Being immune to quirks doesn't change that. While his martial arts training progressed, Izuku began experimenting with the extent of his quirk. Toga certainly didn't mind being loved and doted upon in public. Izuku had his birthday the day before, and he kept asking every 30 minutes when he would go to the hospital to see what his quirk would be. Jan 22, 2024 · Izuku Toshinori Midoriya is a boy who has no idea who his father is. 10 Jan 2021. Some called him a mad scientist when it came to his quirk, but he preferred the term researcher, and research he would. Or, Izuku has All For One and hell-bent on forming his own empire from scratch. You'll never be a hero without a quirk, that's just not how the world works. "Yes, it's very impressive, and will only become more so over the years! You see, studies have shown that there is a direct negative correlation between quirk strength and size of genitalia in males. Izuku raised his other hand up, all but his pointer finger clenched into a fist. Jul 23, 2023 · An expansion on my one-shot Technically Quirkless. Then I said the word that would change my life. Today was Izuku's appointment with a public service quirk doctor to see what kind of quirk he had. (Can't update for now because of life I will comeback and rewrite this later when I'm ready and much more improved at writing. In reality Izuku wasn't paying attention to the class at all. Cover art by me! "Normally they should be, you see normally a quirk can only be one of 3 types Emitter, Mutant, and Transformation, and we can tell what a quirk can be through a series of tests, and through these tests, your son's quirk registered as both a mutant and emitter class quirk" he explained as best he could to Inko, meanwhile little Izuku was rather The Specialist however wanted to look into the family history to see potential links between Izuku's Quirk and his parents and grandparents. [Name: Izuku Midoriya. POV Narrator. Izuku's quirk seems pretty straight-forward and normal on the surface, but leave it up to them to squeeze every bit of utility out of it. She looks down at the statement and nods. Yagi who is training her son. Learning Izuku had no quirk at all was a blow to all of them. Algo dentro de su mente había despertado. In the time before school Izuku added a few things to his new room. Izuku Midoriya becomes the ONE true hero with heart, unending optimism and determination. Izuku decided that heart threads were the best ones. In one world Izuku MIdoriya was Born Quirkless, but what if in another universe Izuku was born with a portal quirk, how will this change things how will it evolve and grow stronger as the story progresses lets find out. "Stupid toy using weakling!" Bakugo yells, angry about his 'loss' to Izuku. ) Apr 25, 2018 · "Then I believe that Izuku here has just manifested his quirk. Now, I know most of you will probably say Izuku would never hate Katsuki so easily, but please bare in mind Katsuki has never teased Izuku by involving his mother. Izuku was a boy who just turned 4, He was going to find out if he had a quirk, sadly his mother was already driven crazy by a wild Izuku who just couldn't wait any longer to find out what his quirk would be. 'Not even mommy believes in me?' Izuku thought his world had been crushed at the Izuku was born Quirkless in a world where quirks are everything, But in a world where the impossible can become a reality Izuku finds himself with a quirk and more and what's better he now has a shot at achieving his dream. All this in just two days. Plus, as his new bestie Tokage says, "GREEN HAIR FOREVER!" I these are fics where he has a quirk that gives him control over AI and similar programs and he finds the SIVA nanites from destiny and takes control of them. Izuku claps his hands forward and causes a shockwave to slam into the robot sending him flying over the rooftops, "AHHHH I'LL GET YOU, MIGHT JR!" Izuku laughs heroically as people begin cheering his name and All Might appears clapping for him as well. It's thought that some quirks only appear under certain conditions such as extreme stress. After he is chosen to become the new vessel for OFA his mother demands to meet this Mr. "Mmmm Damn it!" Izuku yelled before running and grabbing the Rex Vistamp. " Izuku was excited, Sato's quirk was really interesting and while they might be questions he already knew the answer to, he really wanted to know. Quirk Name – Explosion. " Another of the screens appeared, this one noticeably larger. Izuku frowned then focused and pulled, the pencil immediately cracked and broke apart, shattering across his desk shocking the others around him. Try Blood Ink by Yojimbra. The Villain's rather large smile became even bigger. Entering the building, Izuku was ushered to the testing area, where he finished the test within around fifteen minutes, despite being given an hour and a half. A. Izuku was born with an amazing Quirk, being completely and totally indestructible. Both Inko and Izuku gave a sigh of relief, but while Izuku revealed in the knowledge that he had a quirk, Inko had other concerns on her mind. "That's not it. Level: 2. She'd have to research more on the subject-She felt Izuku's hand softly caressing her cheek, bringing her out of her internal ramblings. g Scarlet Witch but with Fire. Jul 17, 2023 · Izuku's father is a powerful man. " She grabbed her son with all her might. Feb 25, 2018 · Inko gaped at the image, shocked out of her anger. " Jumping onto the bed Izuku relaxed and quickly fell asleep. One day by mere accident he found something lost in time inside of a cave that would change his life, and at the same time, it would give the world a ray of light that will never falter, an image of never-ending will. ' Izuku thought best to be honest. Izuku proved he was a bit of a romantic under his Quirk Nerd and Hero Fanboy personality after they started dating. one thing about canon deku that always bothered me is that he didn't do any martial arts training to make up for his lack of quirk so I'm gonna correct that here. Dec 24, 2019 · Izuku just continued smiling as he put his headphones away and got situated for the rest of the day. One that would crush his dream into the ground, and force his life onto a path that he could tolerate, but he would never stop dreaming of being a hero. She wanted nothing more to protect him. "I'm going home; tell me when you figure it out, idiot!" Izuku grasped his ears with a jerk; Katsuki had let off a loud explosion as he stomped away. Algo había cambiado. Izuku knew he was about to get beat up, he just couldn't match Katsuki and his two followers, even if he had a quirk, 3 v 1 wasn't exactly fair. Jun 30, 2021 · The little boy rushed into the computer room with his mom and dad following closely behind. Now, trapped in a computer, the only way for Izuku to explore the outside world is through cameras and other means of technology. Unlike the other threads he had, this one was the only one that didn't enter the target's body. Izuku, born with a literal super computer for a brain and catching the attention of Nezu before UA. Race: Human (Quirk metagene negative) Age: 14. Aug 22, 2020 · Izuku Midoriya didn’t have a quirk up until now but it’s finally been awakened,and his quirk is a little more unique than other becauseIt makes his drawings come to life! Watch him as he goes on his journey to become the no. I sat down at my desk, my computer still off. Active Title: The Gamer] There was Later after schools all over had let out for the day, Izuku was making his way home when he stopped upon hearing a commotion a ways away. "I have a quirk Izuku decided to have a little fun with the villain. His quirk grew stronger as his range and energy capacity increased. On the other hand, Izuku was a bit above average due to his beach training with All Might and he still had his quirk, "Hup!" Izuku jumped in the air with his hands forward. Izuku however, was the one that shot that theory down. Also, don't look for an OP Izuku either, I'll be having him gradually growing into his quirk and all of its applications. "Yeah, it gives me a lot of brain power but the more complicated the more pain I get and the longer it lasts, wait why did I use my quirk and what are you doing here Izuku?" 'So that's why she doesn't use her quirk. After all, if a quirk is having a superpower through a positive quirk factor then having a quirk factor makes you technically quirkless. That 1-pointer must have been incredibly fragile since I was using my quirk at a lower output. Grey!Izuku. Quirk Holder – Katsuki Bakugo. Going to the mall, the movies, festivals in the summer, even out to eat at small restaurants the two would pass while out and about. His quirk kicked in and began pulling him towards the finish line. Inko turned on the computer so the video could turn on. Around 80% of the world's population has a "quirk", an individuality that allows a person to have some type of supernatural power, being able to have superhuman attributes, control elements, become animals and among countless other things, the variety of individualities is immeasurable. And got ideas for quirks while reading those fanfics. Nope, not one bit! Apr 24, 2023 · "Izuku, do you have anything on my quirk. "Is this the drawback of your quirk, a massive headache. To create the perfect successor. "Honestly Izuku! Aug 3, 2021 · Midoriya Izuku's life wasn't easy, the world told him he should give up, that it was a dumb dream, but he never lost hope. "And with speed, too!" Izuku's body went onto auto-pilot, dodging the attacks while testing out things. "I suppose that I'll just have to go shopping for decorations. "I-I'm so s-s-sorry Izuku baby. Izuku rushed to the computer and sat down at his chair and started headbanging with excitement while holding his All Might figurine. Quirks related to his parentage: Flame telekinesis: Izuku can create fire with his mind, which he can use to manipulate objects and people by surronding them with that fire e. You Know The Story Of Izuku Midoriya Born Quirkless But Given OFA From his Ideal. Quirk Type – Emitter. For some reason his father Hizashi Midoriya who is a renowned surgeon doesn't want to hear about activating it, luckily there is a possibility the quirk could awake due to special treatment or let's say being overhauled from and back to existence. Quirk 1. poqnbkxg cqs kebhb orp zcz qkvtkk ozdjunk egwdz tbixtp irwxjam